Product Description
家庭是生命成长的摇篮,敬虔的父母是上帝赐予的伟大礼物;成为敬虔的父母,是我们能给予儿女的最好礼物!养成崇拜的习惯,需从家庭开始。周必克牧师从他自己的成长经验出发,结合宗教改革以来诸多属灵伟人的生命成长经历,让我们看到家庭崇拜对属灵生命中的模塑作用。书中包含家庭敬拜具体操作方法,简单易行,贵在坚持!让我们从这一代开始家庭祭坛,并使这祭坛的圣火代代相传,培育神国敬虔子民! — 吕巨 华人牧者团契轮值主席
Dr. Beeke offers a heartfelt and solemn plea for families to return to Biblical, consistent and passionate family worship. With pastoral insight and care the author provides practical and valuable answers to the practice of family worship and at the same time addresses objections raised against it. In a world of impossible standards and idealism, this book is a helpful and motivating guide to implement or increase the depth of your family devotions.
- Weight: 0.2 lb
- Pages: 66
- Binding: Paperback