Christian Living
Christian Living

Christian Living
Create in me a clean heart, O God.
We are all born with a physical heart in our body, and we can feel it beating. It keeps us alive. We are also born with a soul, but we cannot see it. The Bible sometimes calls our soul a heart, because just as our physical heart is the center...
Christian Living
Killing Remaining Sin
Dear congregation, too many people today think that Jesus Christ is soft on sin, because of his mercy, his love, his gospel grace. Very few people realize that nobody talked about the radicality of sin, the consequences of sin, the heinous nature of sin and hell that results from...
Christian Living
Learning to Pray
Once there was an old man who often said that he never went to bed without saying the prayer his mother had taught him as a little boy. He was pleased with himself, because he thought his prayer pleased God. One Sunday, he went to Sunday School. The teacher asked...
Christian Living
Deliberate and Occasional Meditation
The Puritans got it right. So they spent at least a period of time every day in what they called deliberate meditation – where they would deliberately get along with God. They go through an eight step process where they would: first read scripture, memorize something, they then meditated on...
Christian Living
Be ye kind one to another
Be ye kind one to another. — EPHESIANS 4:32a DEAR CHILDREN, did you know that even if someone is mean to us we must be kind to them? Many times our being kind to them makes them feel bad for being so mean to us! Let’s pretend you are playing...
Christian Living
Beeke’s Book of the Month for August 2023— Parenting by God’s Promises
Beeke’s Book of the Month for August 2023 is Parenting by God’s Promises: How to Raise Children in the Covenant of Grace by Dr. Joel Beeke. Enjoy Dr. Beeke’s inspiring introduction to learn how the Covenant of Grace gives hope to Christian parents. My dad claimed he would never earn...
Christian Living
Dying Delightfully
Our lives are not just a journey to death. They are a journey to one of two eternal places: heaven or hell. In heaven all evil is walled out and all good is walled in. Heaven is an eternal day that knows no sunset. Hell is an eternal night that...
Christian Living
The Basic Definition of Accommodation in Evangelism
In defining accommodation, we want to consider three significant matters: first, its basic meaning; second, its reflection of God’s character; and third, how it can be applied in our experience. First, the basic meaning of accommodation is difficult both to perceive and practice, for (1) our natural inclination is to...
Christian Living
How to contextualize and accommodate in evangelism
The Bible itself turns out to be the best guidebook on how to contextualize and accommodate in evangelism. Here are a few points we can draw from this: Jesus is Paul’s pattern for a kind of freedom that becomes the servant of all in order to save. In this mindset,...