Christian Living

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Christian Living

There are five important ways to prepare for the preached Word

First, before coming to God’s house to hear His Word, prepare yourself and your family with prayer. As the Puritans were fond of saying, we should dress our bodies for worship and adorn our souls with prayer. Pray for the conversion of sinners, the edification of saints, and the glorification...
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Christian Living

What is the chief end of parenting?

The answer, implicit in Westminster Shorter Catechism 1, is that our children might—by God’s grace—be saved, glorify God, and enjoy Him forever. If you are a parent, your primary goal should not be to raise intelligent, successful, competent, and upright citizens. Of course you should be concerned about these things....
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Christian Living

Three Prerequisites for Contagious Living

We should all strive to live contagious Christian lives, notable for their godliness. So how do you live such a life? Here are three prerequisites: First, you must be a Christian. You might think that goes without saying, but it is very possible to attempt to live the Christian life...
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Christian Living

What is Prayer

Prayer is the act of forging a connection between two specific points: our human needs and the resources of God offered to us in Christ. You can start at either point, and reach to the other in prayer. True Christians have discovered that God, in Christ, offers them grace, mercy,...
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Christian Living

The Need for Prayer Meetings

“We shall never see much change for the better in our churches in general till the prayer meeting occupies a higher place in the esteem of Christians.” So wrote Charles Spurgeon in his famous address, “Only a Prayer Meeting.”[Only a Prayer-meeting (Ross-shire: Christian Focus, 2000), 9.] By “the prayer meeting”...
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Christian Living

A Holy War

If you are a true believer, Satan hates you because you bear the image of Christ, because you are the peculiar workmanship of God created in Christ Jesus unto good works, and because you were snatched from his power. You deserted Satan and fled his territory. By grace, you acknowledged...
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Christian Living

Office Bearers by Union with Christ

The Heidelberg Catechism (Q. 31) says Jesus is called the Christ because Christ means “anointed,” and He was ordained by God and anointed by the Spirit for His work as our prophet, priest, and king. What is perhaps more startling is the way the Catechism applies this to us in...
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Christian Living

Consider Christ in Affliction

Consider that in Christ, God promises us wise and tender correction through affliction. This is because we undergo trials not as enemies of God, but as children of God through our saving relationship with Christ. Keeping this in mind will help us face our troubles with the view of how...
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Christian Living

Why is it so tough to read the Bible?

Here are three big reasons: The Bible is big. In fact, it’s huge! It’s more like a library than a book. It is a library of books: sixty-six of them. That’s a lot of books! Some of you may not even own sixty-six books. The Bible I was using when...
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Christian Living

Christ In Affliction

Dear Believer, I am writing to you about something you may be well acquainted with: affliction. (I originally wrote most of this booklet as a letter to myself several decades ago while going through deep affliction. Later, I revised it so that it could serve as a generic letter to...
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