Christ’s Gift
He gave gifts for converting elect sinners and making them saints.
Beeke’s BOTM April 2024
We must aim to train the inmost being of our children by informing their minds and shaping their consciences so that if God’s Spirit blesses our children with saving grace, they will live by faith in the Son of God and walk in faithful obedience to God’s commands.
To Die
Jesus was born to die. It is hard for us to grasp that truth, for we were created to live, not to die. Death is an intruder and a great enemy to life.
Jesus’ Tears in Gethsemane
There are no words to describe the dreadful nature of sin any more than there are words that can describe the nature of Jesus’ tears in Gethsemane.
Putting on the Whole Armor of God
‘Put on the whole armour of God’ (Eph. 6:11), Paul tells us. Partial equipment will not suffice.
To give eternal life
Christ’s body was broken on the cross so that we could share in His life. Truly Christ came to give us eternal life.
Jeremiah Burroughs
Burroughs was a prolific writer, highly esteemed by Puritan leaders of hisday, some of whom published his writings after his death.
Jesus, Our Everlasting Father
Father of eternity. Everlasting Father. Father forever. Father of the ages to come.
Past Views of Satan
Views of Satan have varied over the centuries. The ancient and medieval church often developed excessive and somewhat fanciful views of Satan and increasingly encouraged the office of exorcist.