Preparing for the Preached Word
The Puritans said we should dress our bodies for worship and our souls with prayer.
Christ’s Final, Profound Sufferings
The necessity of Christ's death. The purpose of His burial. The benefits of His death and burial. The comfort of His descension into hell.
Satan in the New Testament
Throughout all of Satan’s opposition, the church pressed on. Despite temporary setbacks, the gates of hell did not prevail against her, for Jesus is mightier than Satan.
Book of the Month for October 2023
A brief excerpt from the preface of the book that sheds light on how the writings of the Puritans can build you up in the faith.
Satan in the Old Testament
Satan lurks at every turn throughout the Old Testament, trying to overthrow the long-term purposes of God.
Special acts of worship in families
According to Scripture, God should be served in special acts of worship in families today in the following three ways:
God is Love
What this does not mean; What it does mean; How should we then live?
The Law of God and Sin
What is the place of the Law in the Christian life? We must consider the Puritans on the nature of the Law, the knowledge of it by man, and the relationship between the Law and sin.
Take inventory of your prayer life
The great possibilities of prayer should awaken us to the meager realities of our own praying.