Keep the Lord’s Day in hopeful anticipation
Every Lord’s Day, look forward to the Day of the Lord. Make heaven a special focus of your meditations. Joel Beeke
What does our Sabbath-keeping look like?
[Sabbath] is a time to feed and exercise your soul. Watson said, “The Sabbath is the market-day of the soul.”
Be convinced that the Sabbath is the sacred day of God
You will not be able to wholeheartedly pursue a profitable Sabbath day until you are convinced that the Lord’s Day is truly set apart by God as sacred time devoted to Him.
The Cultivation of Friendship in Marriage
We should strive in our marriages to say of each other what Christ’s bride says of Him in Song of Songs 5:16, “This is my beloved, and this is my friend.”
The Joel Beeke Interview on Family Worship
A video interview with Joel Beeke on the topic of family worship, a spiritual discipline very close to his heart.
Practical Helps for Reading the Bible
If we are going to be successful in attempting to read the Bible, we must discipline ourselves. By Joel Beeke.
Practical Helps for Studying the Bible
Your reading of the Bible will be greatly enhanced if you study the Bible as you read it. But how should you study it? By Joel Beeke
Summary Statement on Homosexuality
Gender, healthy sexuality, and marriage are not defined by humanity, but by the Creator to whom we must submit, as Christ said in His teaching about marriage.
Encouragement for Today’s Pastors
...seek Christ, fellow pastors....with the single-minded aim of knowing Christ better. Even if you walk in darkness and have no light, cling to Christ and do not let Him go.