The Trinitarian Foundation of Adoption
All the persons of the Trinity are involved in our adoption.
God’s Amazing Daily Provision
Daily Provision: The petition for it. The purchase of it. the fruit from it.
Assurance Is Normally Attained by the Use of Ordinary Means
If you truly want to grow in assurance, prayerfully use the ordinary means of Scripture, the sacraments, prayer, and even your afflictions, while walking with a good conscience before God.
How Christ Blesses Our Children
Without Christ’s blessing, we could not fulfill a single one of our covenantal responsibilities rightly as parents.
God Strengthening Abraham’s Faith
Dr. Joel Beeke reveals how the word of the LORD comforted a fearful Abraham in the first part of his sermon on Genesis 15:1-6
The Inspiring Contagiousness of Submission
If God sanctifies us, we will be most influential to others when we are most afflicted.
The Apex of Jesus’s Prayers: Glorifying His Father’s Name
Father, be the primacy of our prayer; Father, grant us know Thee rightly; Father, move us to magnify Thee; Father, order our lives for Thy honor.
We are uniquely made
Truly, we are uniquely made. God has given us dominion, or vice-regency, over all creation. God has created us for this purpose.
Calvin on Psalm Singing
More than anything else, Calvin viewed the book of Psalms as the canonical manual of piety.