
Assurance Well-Cultivated Produces Fruits
Westminster 18.3 stresses that assurance produces God-glorifying, delightful fruit, so that the believer’s “heart may be enlarged in peace and joy in the Holy Ghost, in love and thankfulness to God, and in strength and cheerfulness in the duties of obedience, the proper fruits of this assurance; so far is...
Assurance Must Be Actively Pursued as a Duty
Westminster Confession 18.3 says that “it is the duty of every one to give all diligence to make his calling and election sure” (cf. 2 Peter 1:10). As concerned souls, we should never rest until we can say that God is our God. In a sermon on particular election, Charles...
Assurance May Take Time to Develop
Assurance is not the same thing as faith, but it’s closely related to it. Assurance grows organically out of faith like a plant out of a seed, or a flower grows out of a plant and a root. Assurance then pertains to a believer’s present degree of faith. Weak faith...