
Practical Helps for Reading the Bible
If we are going to be successful in attempting to read the Bible, we must discipline ourselves. Lots of people have had good intentions for reading the Bible but have ultimately given up on it. Maybe you’re one of them. Perhaps the reasons we just went over for reading the...
The Bible in the Suitcase
A group of young people were visiting their minister and his wife one evening. The conversation was about praying in front of strangers. “What do you think of this?” asked a young woman. “Let’s say, there are two men on a business trip. They share a hotel room and one...
The purpose of the Bible
The purpose of the Bible—Genesis in particular—is to reveal God to us. It is to show us His person and nature, insofar as we are able to know Him, and His plans and works, insofar as we are able to understand them. The very first words in the divine canon—“In...
The Preaching of the Word
“Preach the word” (2 Tim. 4:2), Paul charged Timothy. The Puritans took this charge seriously. The insistence of the Puritans on the primacy of preaching in the church was rooted in their conviction of the divine inspiration, authority, power, and purity of the Word. Being deeply convinced that God builds...
The Reading of the Word
The Puritans believed that the Bible should be the Christian’s daily companion. The Scottish, puritan-minded Thomas Boston (1676–1732) said, “The reading of the word is an ordinance of God, and mean[s] of salvation, of God’s own appointment. The Bible is this word, and God has given it to us, and...
How Do We Become Doers of the Word?
To become a doer of the Word, you must first be born again. Only God can give you a heart of faith and obedience. James writes in James 1:18, “Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of...
How to view the Bible
The Bible is unique; there is nothing like it. Sixty-six separate books written by multiple authors over a span of 1,500 years, the Bible is ultimately one book with one Author, God Himself. The Scriptures, therefore, are not what ancient men thought about God or divine matters; they are the...
Reasons for reading the Bible
So what reason could there be to read the Bible? Well, praise God, there are some very good reasons for reading this long, challenging book. Let me mention just three of them. Read because It Is God’s Word First, we need to understand that the Bible is not irrelevant. In...
Practical Helps for Reading the Bible
You’re not alone. Let me say first of all: If we are going to be successful in attempting to read the Bible, we must discipline ourselves. Lots of people have had good intentions for reading the Bible but have ultimately given up on it. We need God’s grace if we...