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Five marks of a faithful member of Christ’s body

Ephesians 4:10–16 shows us five marks of a faithful member of Christ’s body. A faithful member receives Christ’s Word, unites with Christ’s person, connects with Christ’s people, serves others for Christ’s sake, and grows into Christ’s image. In every respect, church membership depends on the church’s living Head, Jesus Christ....
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We personally trust in Christ

Colossians 2:6–7 says, “As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving.” True church members receive Christ personally as prophet, priest, and king (for that...
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We actively listen to the Word

Jesus describes four kinds of listeners to the Word in the parable of the soils, only one of whom receives the Word, perseveres in faith, and goes on to bear abundant fruit. In Luke 8:18a, Jesus says, “Take heed therefore how ye hear.” On Saturday, prepare for Sabbath worship by...
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We faithfully attend corporate worship

Hunger for the Word in church is expressed publicly by faithful attendance at church worship services. Hebrews 10:25 says we must not forsake assembling ourselves in corporate worship. Christian worship fills us with the Word. Colossians 3:16 says, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom;...
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We personally hunger for the Word

In 1 Peter 2:2, the apostle Peter urges all Christians to thirst for the sincere milk of the Word, “that ye may grow thereby.” If you are sick and have no appetite, you feel only nausea when served a delicious meal. The longer supper lasts, the more restless you become....
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The Marriage of Christ and His Church

Have you ever noticed that the Bible does not speak about dying and going to heaven? It speaks about dying and going to be with Christ. Christ is the sum and substance of heaven’s glory. Samuel Rutherford said, “Suppose that our Lord would manifest His art, and make ten thousand...
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Handling Error in the Church

Martin Downes interviewing Joel R. Beeke: As you reflect back to your days in seminary and early years in the ministry, were there men who started out with evangelical convictions who later moved away from the gospel? How did you cope with that? I can only think of a few...
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