
Catechetical Evangelism
Like the Reformers, the Puritans were catechists. They believed that pulpit messages should be reinforced by personalized ministry through catechesis —the instruction in the doctrines of Scripture using catechisms. Puritan catechizing was evangelistic in several ways: First, scores of Puritans reached out evangelistically to children and young people by writing...
The Puritan Evangelist
The Puritan evangelist brought to his work a unique inward disposition or frame of mind and soul. Commitment to godliness lay at the heart of the Puritan vision. Thomas Brooks wrote, “A preacher’s life should be a commentary upon his doctrine; his practice should be the counterpane [counterpart] of his...
The Basic Definition of Accommodation in Evangelism
In defining accommodation, we want to consider three significant matters: first, its basic meaning; second, its reflection of God’s character; and third, how it can be applied in our experience. First, the basic meaning of accommodation is difficult both to perceive and practice, for (1) our natural inclination is to...
How to contextualize and accommodate in evangelism
The Bible itself turns out to be the best guidebook on how to contextualize and accommodate in evangelism. Here are a few points we can draw from this: Jesus is Paul’s pattern for a kind of freedom that becomes the servant of all in order to save. In this mindset,...