
The Place of the Law in the Christian Life
As seen above, the Law’s end is in Christ’s work, but the Law is not abolished, nor does the experience of God’s grace detract from the authority and permanence of the Law of God. So, how did the Puritans work out the implications of this in Christian experience? First, the...
The Place of the Law in God’s Purpose of Grace
If you ask Christians about the place of the Law in the Christian life, you are sure to get many mixed answers, with some even denying the place of the Law altogether. What did the Puritans teach about the place of the Law in God’s purpose of grace? The Law...
The Law of God and Sin
The Puritans often addressed the question, What is the place of the Law in the Christian life? We must consider the Puritans on the nature of the Law, the knowledge of it by man, and the relationship between the Law and sin. Law Is God Exercising His Right to Command...
The Law of Love and the Teachings of the Bible
The questions raised by homosexuality are deeply personal, for the most important factors in this controversy are not civil laws and policies, but human persons whom God calls into right relationship with Him through the gospel of Jesus Christ. Sometimes they are persons whom we know, persons close to us....
The Law of God and Sin
The Puritans often addressed the question, What is the place of the Law in the Christian life? We must consider the Puritans on the nature of the Law, the knowledge of it by man, and the relationship between the Law and sin. Law Is God Exercising His Right to Command...