
The Global Aim of God’s Salvation
The Old Testament paints a picture of the progression of revelation. Before Babel, God’s revelation was indiscriminate to all peoples. With the call of Abraham, revelation was channeled through the Jewish line, but after Pentecost the revelation of the gospel is decisively intended for a global audience. And yet throughout...
The Bride’s Post-Communion Experience: Part 2
The second part of the sermon on the Song of Solomon 5:2-16 Sermon by Dr. Joel Beeke The first part of this sermon is found HERE....
The Bride’s Post-Communion Experience: Part 1
What should Christians do when after a mountain top experience of communion with God find themselves in a valley? Three thoughts on the Bride’s Post-Communion Experience: Her honest confession Her moved affections Her varied meetings Biblical Text: Song of Solomon 5:2-16 Sermon by Dr. Joel Beeke ...
Feasting on Christ in Communion
What does the Communion really mean? What bread and wine are; What bread and wine mean; What bread and wine do....
Book of the Month – September 2023
Beeke’s Book of the Month for September 2023 is Reformed Systematic Theology, Volume 3: Spirit and Salvation by Dr. Joel Beeke and Paul Smalley. Dive into the rich doctrines of Pneumatology and Soteriology from historical, biblical, and experiential perspectives with the introduction to this magnificent work. With much gratitude to...
Christian Living
A Big God—A Large Life
If you are not yet a follower of Christ, Satan comes to you and says, “Don’t be a Christian! If you become a Christian, your life will be restricted; you’ll be in a small world.” But the opposite is true. When I came to the end of my enlistment in...
In Building Family Convictions
How does Ecclesiastes help us build family convictions? Ecclesiastes presents the message of Qohelet, which means “the assembler” but is often translated “the preacher.” Most of the book is Qohelet’s words spoken in the first person (1:12–12:7), but the book opens and closes with a third-person reflection on the book’s...
John Bunyan Book Recommendations
John Owen said of John Bunyan, a powerful preacher and the best known of all the Puritan writers, that he would gladly exchange all his learning for Bunyan’s power of touching men’s hearts. Here is a selection of some of his most enduring and influential writings: The Works of John...
God’s Holiness
One of our greatest needs always as a church, as individuals, and your family is not only an awareness but a personal encounter with the holiness of God. (1) Majestic holiness; (2) Moral holiness; (3) Gracious holiness. Sermon by Dr. Joel Beeke Heritage Reformed Church July 23, 2023...