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Christian Living

Preach Christ

A healthy church is one that is shaped by the gospel. Our people need to see the beauty of Christ. Nothing will enable them to lovingly and humbly give and receive constructive critique more than heart-searching, expository gospel preaching. This is our great task and privilege as ministers—to proclaim Christ....
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The Lord’s Supper as a love feast

The church of all ages has regarded the Lord’s Supper as a love feast in two ways: first, we regard it vertically, through communion with God. When remembering Christ at His Supper, we may experience a love both from Christ and for Christ that can better be experienced than explained....
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Christian Living

Prayer is amazing, glorious, delightful work.

Prayer is amazing, glorious, delightful work. Yet apart from faith in Christ, prayer is also difficult, demanding, and in many ways impossible. There is not a believer on earth that cannot sympathize with that. So, though I may have bordered on the idealistic in this closing chapter, my aim is...
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Christian Living

Taking Hold of God in Prayer

Deep within us, we know that it is impossible to solve prayerlessness by our own strength. The sacredness, gift, and efficacy of prayer are far above human means. God’s grace is necessary for prayerful praying. Yet grace does not passively wait for God to strike us with revival. We must...
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Church History

Puritans on Marital Love

Edward Taylor (c. 1642–1729), a pastor, physician, and poet of Puritan New England, wrote, “A curious knot God made in Paradise…. It was the true-love knot, more sweet than spice.” The writings of the Puritans are sprinkled with declarations of the sweetness of marital love. They delighted in the love...
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Christian Living

Practical Benefits of Psalm Singing

Albert Bailey rightly concludes that Calvin’s theological beliefs about the Psalter helped unite the Reformers and Puritans around the conviction that “only God’s own Word was worthy to be used in praising Him.” Psalm singing was important to Calvin and the Puritans, however, not only because it is biblical and...
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Keep the Lord’s Day in hopeful anticipation

If we keep the Sabbath with delight, then the Lord promises us that He “will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.” To “ride upon the high...
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Christian Living

What does our Sabbath-keeping look like?

I ask you in love, and I ask myself, What does our Sabbath-keeping look like? Do you look forward to it? Do you awake on Sunday morning with the first thought in your mind, “What joy, because it is the Sabbath today. I get to go up to God’s house....
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Be convinced that the Sabbath is the sacred day of God

Isaiah 58:13 says, “If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the LORD, honourable” (emphasis added). You will not be able to wholeheartedly pursue a profitable Sabbath day until you are convinced...
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Christian Living

The Cultivation of Friendship in Marriage

Cultivation is rooted in farm work. Seed is sown, and tender plants spring up. They cannot flourish if they are not cultivated. Cultivation is rewarding work, for it results in an abundant harvest, when God gives the increase. But it is hard work. Nobody wakes up one morning and is...
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