Christian Living

Faith over frantic action and fearful frustration
Do it Yourself Religion You have heard it said that “God helps those who help themselves.” But is that really what the Bible teaches us about the life of faith? This week, on Doctrine for Life, Dr. Joel Beeke teaches us how foolish it is to use human means...
Be a Disciple of Christ
Though not all disciples of Christ are called to the study and teaching of theology, all theologians and teachers in the church must be disciples of Christ. The training of the first Christian theologians began when they heard Christ say, “Follow me” (Matt. 4:19; Luke 5:27). Christ “ordained twelve” to...
How Do You Face Temptation?
(1) Your danger in temptation; (2) Your profit from temptation; (3) Your victory over temptation....
Christian Living
The Belt of Truth
Truth is a means to sanctification, to holiness of life (Eph 4:24; John 17:17). ‘Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth,’ Paul says in Ephesians 6:14. In Bible times, the soldier fastened or buckled the girdle, or belt, at his waist around the short tunic he wore. The...
Christian Living
A Sermon to One Hearer
Reverend Branner once promised to preach for a country minister in England. When the Sabbath came, it was terribly stormy, cold and uncomfortable. It was in the middle of winter and the snow was piled up along the roads, so that travelling was hard. Still, the minister urged his horse...
Signs of God’s Covenant when we doubt
Genesis 15...
Christian Living
Godly Conversation
Scripture teaches that we must take time each day to speak to our covenant children about God. Serious, spiritual conversation should be done in regular times of family worship and teaching, but also spontaneously through the process of everyday life. As Deuteronomy 6:7 says, “Thou shalt teach them diligently unto...
The Final Judgment!
(1) God’s right to it; (2) Christ’s exercise of it; (3) Our assurance of it....
Christian Living
A Child’s Gift
A little girl named Katy was the daughter of a poor widow. At Sunday School she heard a missionary tell about heathen children living in sin and misery, never having heard the gospel. When he talked about the importance of sending Bibles to them, Katy said to herself, “I want...