Christian Living

Christian Living
Practical Helps for Reading the Bible
You’re not alone. Let me say first of all: If we are going to be successful in attempting to read the Bible, we must discipline ourselves. Lots of people have had good intentions for reading the Bible but have ultimately given up on it. We need God’s grace if we...
Christian Living
Practical Helps for Studying the Bible
…Your reading of the Bible will be greatly enhanced if you study the Bible as you read it. But how should you study it? Here are a few helpful hints: Study one book of the Bible at a time Read a good introduction to each book. These introductions provide introductory...
Christian Living
Summary Statement on Homosexuality
God commands us to love our neighbor as ourselves (Lev. 19:18), and does not exclude any category of human beings from that love, including those who are evil and those who hate us (Matt. 5:44–48). Yet love is not our only rule, for God teaches us what love means through...
Christian Living
Encouragement for Today’s Pastors
The Puritan pastors of the seventeenth century constructed a vehicle to keep pastors moving forward in a Christ-centered and God-glorifying way. We hope you have found encouragement through their writings. Now that you have tasted some of their work, you might consider reading more. However, their books and sermons will...
Christian Living
The Law of Love and the Teachings of the Bible
The questions raised by homosexuality are deeply personal, for the most important factors in this controversy are not civil laws and policies, but human persons whom God calls into right relationship with Him through the gospel of Jesus Christ. Sometimes they are persons whom we know, persons close to us....
Christian Living
Rest from Our Labors
REVIEW Why are human beings the most special part of God’s creation? They were created to image God and to rule over the world and the animals. Did God create anything else in His image? No. Only human beings were created in this way. Not even the angels were created...
Christian Living
Maintain a proper balance
How is it possible for a Christian to maintain a proper balance so he enjoys the gifts that God gives in this world while avoiding the snare of overindulgence? Calvin offers three principles gleaned from Paul: Remember that God is the giver of every good and perfect gift. This should...
Church History
Calvin’s interpretation of the clarity of Scripture
In working out his interpretation of the clarity of Scripture, Calvin used several hermeneutical principles: The interpreter must be a believer, and must strive to grow in such qualities as humble wisdom, attentive listening, sound judgment, reverential piety, obedient teachableness, and mature perseverance. The interpreter must be theologically informed and...
Perspicuity of Scripture
From a scriptural context, the following conclusions can be drawn about the perspicuity of Scripture: Although some portions of Scripture are more difficult to grasp than others, all of Scripture is understandable in and of itself. Luther’s assertion of this is supported by several texts in Scripture, most notably Deuteronomy...