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Melchizedek and Abraham

The author of Hebrews says Christ is “a priest after the order of Melchizedek.” But who is Melchizedek? And what can this mysterious Old Testament figure teach us about Christ today? This week, on Doctrine for Life, Dr. Joel Beeke explores the identity of the King of Salem in the...
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Christian Living

The Blessedness of Christian Law-Keeping

Law-keeping blesses believers in many ways. Here I will expound just three major ways it does so: 1. The Law as an Objective Guide to Evidencing Justification The Puritans taught that the role of good works in the Christian life is to confirm and demonstrate one’s justification. While the Antinomians...
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Jesus’ Tears

(1) At Bethany; (2) Over Jerusalem; (3) In Gethsemane....
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Church History

Calvin the Socio-Theologian

Calvin models for us the wide-ranging impact of his theology on Western European and North American civilization, whether it be the rise of the Western democracies; the development of economic life and international commerce, scholarship, and scientific discovery; or the promotion of the values of human dignity, personal freedom, social...
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Church History

Homosexuality and Salvation in Christ

Paul did not write Romans 1 in order to proudly judge homosexuality, or to cast those practicing it or struggling against it into despair, but as part of a larger diagnosis of mankind’s need for the gospel of Jesus Christ (Rom. 1:16–17; 3:21–26). The most shocking news of the epistle...
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In the world but not of it

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Christian Living

The pursuit of illumination

What does this mean for the unbeliever? It means that you should be smitten with grief over your willful blindness to Jesus Christ. You are guilty for your blindness, for your heart hates the light. You resist the Holy Spirit. You deserve for God to hand you over to Satan’s...
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“He Suffered”: Precious Blood

1 Peter 1:18-19 (1) The centrality of Christ’s blood; (2) The cost of Christ’s blood; (3) The capability of Christ’s blood....
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Christian Living

Deliverance from Worldliness

God delivers His people from worldliness in three ways: 1. Initial deliverance. Every true work of grace in the heart of a sinner includes radical deliverance from the world and a lifestyle of worldliness. The umbilical cord that tied us to the womb of worldliness is cut when we are...
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Christian Living

Experiential preaching is applicatory

Experiential preaching is applicatory. It applies the text to every aspect of the listener’s life, promoting religion that is not just a “form of godliness” but also the “power” of God (2 Tim. 3:5). Robert Burns (1789–1869) says that experiential religion is “Christianity brought home to ‘men’s business and bosoms.’”...
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