
Featured image for “The Reason for Theology: God Has Spoken”

The Reason for Theology: God Has Spoken

The work of a theologian is to assist the church in hearing and responding to this Word.
Featured image for “Beeke’s BOTM March 2024”

Beeke’s BOTM March 2024

Christian prayer is a holy communication between the believing soul and heaven, a spiritual exchange of the desires and praises of God’s children for the blessings of their Father in heaven.
Featured image for “Christ as the Second (or Last) Adam”

Christ as the Second (or Last) Adam

The work of the Second Adam; The kingdom of the Second Adam. Scripture Reading: Rom. 5:12–21; 1 Cor. 15:45–58.
Featured image for “The purpose of the Bible”

The purpose of the Bible

The infinite source of true blessedness is set before us in four words: “In the beginning God….”
Featured image for “Our Duty to Bring Children to Christ”

Our Duty to Bring Children to Christ

Here are ten aspects of our duty to bring our children to Christ.
Featured image for “Keep Thy Tongue From Evil”

Keep Thy Tongue From Evil

The best use we can make of our tongue is to pray. Ask the Lord each day to help you speak good and not evil.
Featured image for “Mutual Astonishment in Nazareth”

Mutual Astonishment in Nazareth

The people astonished and offended with Jesus (vv. Mark 1-3); Jesus astonished and offended with the people (vv. Mark 4-6).
Featured image for “Set a Trustworthy Example”

Set a Trustworthy Example

Regardless of how old your children are or how mature they appear to be, you must model for them a life of deep convictions.
Featured image for “God Is Holy”

God Is Holy

The holiness of God points to two specific elements of God’s character. First, it points to the fact that God is fully set apart and different from anything and anyone else. Second, it points to the fact that He is morally righteous in His manifold perfections.
Featured image for “History Stirs Us To Praise God”

History Stirs Us To Praise God

Christ has been present from the beginning and has been at work through all time in the lives of men, the affairs of nations, and the cycles of nature.