
Featured image for “Born Again”

Born Again

Ask if you too may be born again, be made thirsty for the living God, and be satisfied only with Jesus Christ
Featured image for “The All-Powerful Physician Healing an Unclean Woman”

The All-Powerful Physician Healing an Unclean Woman

Faith needing and coming to Jesus; Faith touching and being rewarded by Jesus; Faith being revealed and affirmed by Jesus.
Featured image for “Book of the Month for February 2024”

Book of the Month for February 2024

Would we see revival among our children? Let us remember that God often uses the restoration of family worship to usher in church revival.
Featured image for “Extremism or Reasonable Service?”

Extremism or Reasonable Service?

The Word of God must be brought to bear on how we think, feel, act, plan, live, and love. This is our reasonable service.
Featured image for “Theocentric, Scripture-Shaped Piety”

Theocentric, Scripture-Shaped Piety

Puritan devotion sought to engage the whole person with the whole Scripture, bringing every faculty of the human constitution into conformity to the whole counsel of God.
Featured image for “The Preaching of the Word”

The Preaching of the Word

Out of esteem for God, we should treasure the Word in all the forms it comes to us, especially when it is preached.
Featured image for “Swearing an Oath Christianly”

Swearing an Oath Christianly

Swearing an Oath Christianly: For sin's sake; For truth's sake; For God's sake.
Featured image for “The Reading of the Word”

The Reading of the Word

How many Christians today treasure the public reading of Scripture in church? The Puritans taught their people to cherish it.
Featured image for “All of Scripture for All of Life”

All of Scripture for All of Life

We might say that the greatest contribution the Puritans have made to the church’s understanding of the Bible is in their uncommon ability to apply its teachings to everyday life.
Featured image for “Five marks of a faithful member of Christ’s body”

Five marks of a faithful member of Christ’s body

Strive to be faithful members of the body of Christ!