Create in me a clean heart, O God.
Ask the Holy Spirit to bless God’s Word to your spiritual heart, so that you may repent and believe in Jesus Christ alone for salvation.
How to Evaluate Your Sermons
Evaluate your preaching as a servant anticipating his master’s evaluation.
The Puritans on God’s Holiness and Ours
In our day, few people consider holiness a priority. But for the Puritans, their goal was to bring every area of life into conformity to Jesus Christ.
Killing Remaining Sin
Bible Text: Mark 9:43-50. Preached By Dr Beeke on: Sunday, July 17, 2005. Heritage Netherlands Reformed Congregation
Learning to Pray
“I am the old man who said his prayers for seventy years, and never truly prayed until the Lord taught him how!
Knowing God and making Him known
When we forsake the knowledge of God, our hearts become foolish and darkened.. Ignorance of God plunges us into idolatry...
The Commendation of Revelation

Deliberate and Occasional Meditation
The Puritans got it right.So they spent at least a period of time every day in what they called deliberate meditation. Joel Beeke
Be ye kind one to another
Did you know that even if someone is mean to us we must be kind to them? Many times our being kind to them makes them feel bad for being so mean to us!