Absolute Predestination

The Amazing Wonder of Adoption
The triune God delights in family planning. Unlike most modern human family planning, which is restrictive and limiting, God’s plans for His family are expansive and enlarging.
The Restoration of Conscience
In God’s restoration of His image in the soul, He also restores the conscience.
Jesus is the Lord God Almighty
Jesus is the Lord God Almighty, the great I Am. His very name and word can bring men and angels to their knees.
The Marriage of Christ and His Church
Have you ever noticed that the Bible does not speak about dying and going to heaven? It speaks about dying and going to be with Christ. Christ is the sum and substance of heaven’s glory.
How to Profit from Reading the Puritans

There are five important ways to prepare for the preached Word

Twelve Reasons Calvin is Important Today

Jesus Christ the God-Man
According to Scripture, is both. Jesus is both limited in His humanity and infinite in His deity as Lord over creation.