Crossbearing is Foundational to Our Christian Walk
Crossbearing is foundational to our Christian walk. Without bearing your crosses after Christ, you cannot be a Christian.
The Psalms Reveal Christ

Beeke’s Book of the Month May 2023— A Puritan Theology: Doctrine for Life
Enjoy this brief excerpt from their introduction to learn why A Puritan Theology is the best starting place for anyone who wants to deepen their knowledge of these eminent saints.
The Transition to Work
Learning takes place in a progressive, incremental manner. Work is learned over time and with practice.
God is undoubtedly active in history
From the Christian perspective, God is undoubtedly active in history, working all things according to the counsel of His will (Eph. 1:11).
Learning in Community
We need to understand that growing in heavenly-mindedness and the pursuit of Christ happens by learning in community.
The Meaning of Renewal
The Holy Spirit who indwells believers is the agent of their transformation to the likeness of Christ so that God’s eternal plan may be fulfilled.
God’s Attribute of Holiness
God’s attribute of holiness may be considered the glory of all His attributes.
God speaks through His Word
I fear that there are many evangelicals today who believe that God spoke but doubt whether He speaks.