The pursuit of illumination
The Bible is full of prayers by believers for greater illumination.
“He Suffered”: Precious Blood
The centrality of Christ's blood; The cost of Christ's blood; The capability of Christ's blood.
Deliverance from Worldliness
As you strive to fulfill the vows you make when your children are baptized, may Jesus Christ Himself draw near to you with His Word.
Experiential preaching is applicatory
Application is not only critical, it is an essential part of true preaching and, in many respects, the main thing to be done.
What is the Believer’s Responsibility to the World?

Developing Good Communication Skills
As husband and wife, you must seek by God’s grace to develop good ways of talking with each other.
Paul’s Great, Christ-centered Confession of Faith
The special characteristics of this confession; The Christ-centered articles of this Confession; The practical imperatives of this confession
Assurance Well-Cultivated Produces Fruits
Assurance enables faith to reach greater heights, from which all other aspects of Christian character flow. This invigoration of faith results in a new release of spiritual energy at every point in a person’s Christian life.
Jesus as Our Mediator
Jesus as our mediator: What He must be; Who He is; How we know Him.