
Featured image for “Beeke’s BOTM May 2024”

Beeke’s BOTM May 2024

By God’s grace, with the Puritans as mentors, combined with holy resolve, perhaps we can recover the biblical practice of meditation for our time.
Featured image for “Benefits of Ecclesiology: Following God’s Revelation instead of Human Ideas”

Benefits of Ecclesiology: Following God’s Revelation instead of Human Ideas

Ecclesiology drawn from the Holy Scriptures is God’s blueprint for building his temple on earth and his operator’s manual for identifying and properly using the tools we need to construct it.
Featured image for “The Names of the Spirit”

The Names of the Spirit

Here we want to give attention to three designations for this divine person, two used primarily in the Old Testament and the other almost entirely in the New Testament.
Featured image for “Why Study Anthropology?”

Why Study Anthropology?

Anthropology benefits all Christians in ministry. The Word of God reveals much about human nature that guides us in how to relate to other people.
Featured image for “Common Objections to Theology”

Common Objections to Theology

The question of why we do theology presses hard against us in this age. A number of objections are raised against the discipline of systematic theology.
Featured image for “Remember the Value of Prayer”

Remember the Value of Prayer

Remember that in the waiting time between sowing and reaping, plants are growing. Keep watering them with your prayers.
Featured image for “The Blessing of Childlike Faith”

The Blessing of Childlike Faith

"Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 18:3)
Featured image for “Worshiping Idols in our heart leads to harm”

Worshiping Idols in our heart leads to harm

Featured image for “Assurance Must Be Actively Pursued as a Duty”

Assurance Must Be Actively Pursued as a Duty

God commands us to pursue assurance prayerfully and fervently, promising that He will bless it.
Featured image for “Belonging to the Perfect Father”

Belonging to the Perfect Father

By gracious adoption; By supernatural rebirth; By expectant prayer.