The Indwelling Spirit
The believer’s greatest encouragement in spiritual warfare is the abiding presence of the Spirit.
Examples of Victorious Death
“I have taken all my bad deeds and put them on a heap, and I have taken my good deeds as well, and I have put them on the same heap. And I have run away from that heap into the arms of Jesus. I die in peace.”
What can we do when our sin puts us in impossible situations?
Dr. Joel Beeke reveals God’s mercy toward Abraham’s foolishness in the land of Egypt in the second part of his sermon on Genesis 12:17.
Men of Prayer
The church today desperately needs such preachers whose private prayers season their pulpit messages.
During Family Worship
Lead family worship with a firm, fatherly hand and a soft, penitent heart. Even when you’re bone-weary after a day’s work, pray for strength to carry out your fatherly duty.
The Place of the Law in the Christian Life
As the demands of God’s Law are unchangeable, its threatenings, promises, and chastisements are still active for the believer.
The Bible in the Suitcase
If you were away from home with other people, would you be certain to pack your Bible yourself and read it in front of them?
Circumcision as a Covenant Sign
Circumcision as a Covenant Sign: (1) Its summons; (2) Its symbolism; (3) Its supplanter; (4) Its support
Knowing God According to His Self-Revelation
Swinnock focuses the gaze of his readers on the incomparable greatness of God, who “is boundless in His duration, perfections, attributes, and being.”