
We make diligent use of the sacraments
I am not suggesting that baptism and the Lord’s Supper have any inherent power to save. Trusting in the sacraments for salvation is idolatry. In its historic Reformed usage, sacrament means “a public sign and seal of the covenant between God and man.” Sacraments are also called “ordinances,” for Christ...
The Bride’s Post-Communion Experience
Preparation for Communion
1) Divine drawing (11:4a: Wednesday evening=Preparatory); (2) Divine rest (11:4b: Lord’s Supper sermon); (3) Divine nourishment (11:4b: Lord’s Supper at the table)....
The Bride’s Post-Communion Experience: Part 2
The second part of the sermon on the Song of Solomon 5:2-16 Sermon by Dr. Joel Beeke The first part of this sermon is found HERE....
The Bride’s Post-Communion Experience: Part 1
What should Christians do when after a mountain top experience of communion with God find themselves in a valley? Three thoughts on the Bride’s Post-Communion Experience: Her honest confession Her moved affections Her varied meetings Biblical Text: Song of Solomon 5:2-16 Sermon by Dr. Joel Beeke ...
Feasting on Christ in Communion
What does the Communion really mean? What bread and wine are; What bread and wine mean; What bread and wine do....