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A Sermon to One Hearer

Reverend Branner once promised to preach for a country minister in England. When the Sabbath came, it was terribly stormy, cold and uncomfortable. It was in the middle of winter and the snow was piled up along the roads, so that travelling was hard. Still, the minister urged his horse...
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Christ as the Second (or Last) Adam

Scripture Reading: Rom. 5:12–21; 1 Cor. 15:45–58; Outline: 1.) The work of the Second Adam; 2.) The kingdom of the Second Adam...
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Mutual Astonishment in Nazareth

  The people astonished and offended with Jesus (vv. Mark 1-3); Jesus astonished and offended with the people (vv. Mark 4-6)....
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Parable of the Mustard Seed

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Bringing God Joyful Thanksgiving

O come, let us sing unto the Lord: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation. Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms. Psalm 95:1,2...
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Christ’s Resurrection Counseling to Women Seeking Him

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The Risen Christ Counseling Mary Magdalene’s Heart

One of the most precious descriptions of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Old Testament Scriptures, especially when we consider his birth in Bethlehem, is Isaiah 9:6… Wonderful Counselor. He is wonderful in himself, of course. But he is particularly wonderful as a Counselor, Isaiah says…...
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Don’t Be Troubled: Believe in Christ

God speaks to us in many different ways. In the words of the Bible especially, through preaching, but also in the beauty of nature all around, and the joys of life, and in the storms of life. Sometimes He speaks softly like leaves rustling in a gentle breeze. Sometimes he...
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The Passover Lamb

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Christ’s Love in Heaven: Utopian Perfection

There is surprisingly low emphasis on heaven in the history of the Christian Church. Even in some of the Reformation times and the greatest systematic theologies written, it’s rather shocking that even Calvin has only two pages out of 1200 in his theology on heaven. So, it’s not just our...
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