
Church History
How to Profit from Reading the Puritans
Here are nine ways you can grow spiritually by reading Puritan literature today: 1. Puritan writings help shape life by Scripture. The Puritans loved, lived, and breathed Holy Scripture. They also relished the power of the Spirit that accompanied the Word. Rarely can you open a Puritan book and not...
Christian Living
There are five important ways to prepare for the preached Word
First, before coming to God’s house to hear His Word, prepare yourself and your family with prayer. As the Puritans were fond of saying, we should dress our bodies for worship and adorn our souls with prayer. Pray for the conversion of sinners, the edification of saints, and the glorification...
Church History
Twelve Reasons Calvin is Important Today
Honoring John Calvin may seem a little peculiar to people today. Calvin did not do anything as dramatic as heal a man with his passing shadow or nail his Institutes of the Christian Religion to the door of a cathedral. His teaching, which may be summarized as “the knowledge of...
Jesus Christ the God-Man
Teaching is hard work. When Jesus and His disciples got into a boat after a full day of teaching, the disciples were not surprised that Jesus fell asleep. The gently rocking waves of the Sea of Galilee might have lulled them to sleep, too. But on their way across the...
The Spirit’s Work
The night on which He was betrayed, Jesus spoke to His disciples about the dawn of a new day that would be heralded by the Holy Spirit’s coming to dwell in them (John 14:17). Jesus says in John 16:8, “When he is come, he will reprove the world of sin,...
Christian Living
What is the chief end of parenting?
The answer, implicit in Westminster Shorter Catechism 1, is that our children might—by God’s grace—be saved, glorify God, and enjoy Him forever. If you are a parent, your primary goal should not be to raise intelligent, successful, competent, and upright citizens. Of course you should be concerned about these things....
Beeke’s Book of the Month June 2023— Family Worship
Beeke’s Book of the Month for June 2023 is Family Worship by Dr. Joel Beeke. Enjoy this brief excerpt from the first chapter to learn why family worship is the foundation of biblical parenting. (Note: All of the references in this article are properly footnoted in the full text of Family...
Handling Error in the Church
Martin Downes interviewing Joel R. Beeke: As you reflect back to your days in seminary and early years in the ministry, were there men who started out with evangelical convictions who later moved away from the gospel? How did you cope with that? I can only think of a few...
Christian Living
Three Prerequisites for Contagious Living
We should all strive to live contagious Christian lives, notable for their godliness. So how do you live such a life? Here are three prerequisites: First, you must be a Christian. You might think that goes without saying, but it is very possible to attempt to live the Christian life...