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Beeke’s Book of the Month for July 2024

Beeke’s Book of the Month for July 2024 is Following God Fully by Dr. Joel Beeke and Michael Reeves. Enjoy this brief excerpt from the preface of the book that sheds light on how the Puritans can help us strive to pursue godliness. (Note: All of the references in this article...
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Christian Living

Make a joyful noise unto God, all ye lands

— PSALM 66:1 Dear Children have you ever been awakened by the singing of the birds? These little creatures that the Lord God has made wake early in the morning, and the first thing they do is sing. It seems there is not one that does not sing, nor do...
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Church History

Richard Sibbes: Sweet Mercy and Bruised Reeds

Richard Sibbes (1577–1635) was a kindhearted Puritan known for the sweetness of his writings. He was converted through the ministry of Paul Baynes, Perkins’s successor at Cambridge. He trained many preachers and cultivated a remarkable network of friendships with ministers and political figures. His classic book on repentance, The Bruised...
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Christian Living

Biblical, Doctrinal, Experiential, and Practical

Experiential preaching, then, teaches that the Christian faith must be experienced, tasted, and lived through the saving power of the Holy Spirit. It stresses the knowledge of scriptural truth “which [is] able to make [us] wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus” (2 Tim. 3:15). Specifically, such...
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Distinguishing True Churches from False Churches

The Holy Scriptures warn us that false teachers arise and gather movements around themselves. Christ foretold, “There shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect” (Matt. 24:24). Paul said to the Ephesian...
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God Strengthening Abraham’s Faith (Part 2)

Abraham believed in the Lord; and He counted it to him for righteousness.”-Genesis 15:6 This week, on Doctrine for Life, Dr. Joel Beeke teaches us how faith in the Lord can help us overcome our fears in the second part of his sermon on Genesis 15:1-6....
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The Trinitarian Foundation of Adoption

Believers are not sons of God by nature because we lost the status and privileges of sonship in our tragic fall with Adam in Paradise. Adoption is possible only when God’s electing grace calls us into all the privileges and blessings of being His children. When we are born again,...
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God’s Amazing Daily Provision

Bible text: Matthew 6:11 (1) The petition for it: (2) The purchase of it; (3) the fruit from it....
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Christian Living

Assurance Is Normally Attained by the Use of Ordinary Means

Westminster Confession 18.3 goes on to say that, “being enabled by the Spirit to know the things which are freely given him of God, [the believer] may, without extraordinary revelation, in the right use of ordinary means, attain” to assurance. Anthony Burgess said the believer has a lifelong call to...
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Christian Living

How Christ Blesses Our Children

As we engage in various ways to bring our children to Jesus, let us be urgent but never desperate. Even when we do not immediately see the fruits of faith in our children, let us have a quiet confidence in God, who knows how to work in our children in...
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