Christian Living

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Christian Living

Meditation on Heaven

For the Puritans, probably the most important theme for meditation was heaven—the place where God is supremely known and worshiped and enjoyed, where Christ is seated at the right hand of the Father, and where the saints rejoice as they are transcribed from glory to glory. “Meditation is the life...
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Christian Living

Christian Meditation

Spiritual growth is intended to be part of the Christian life of believers. [This booklet is adapted from Joel R. Beeke, “The Puritan Practice of Meditation,” in Joel R. Beeke and Mark Jones, A Puritan Theology: Doctrine for Life (Grand Rapids: Reformation Heritage Books, 2012), 889–907.] Peter exhorts believers to...
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Christian Living

Plant Godly Convictions

For years we care for our children like birds care for their nestlings. We shield them from danger, bring them good things to eat, and attend to all their needs. Every father and mother, however, will face the day when their precious children leave the nest and fly on their...
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Christian Living

Ministry to Children

Practical Guidelines for Ministry to Children in the Church Let us consider next how the church should minister to children in our midst. We will not focus upon Christian parenting so much as the church’s ministry, although that ministry has many implications for Christian parents, since they play a unique...
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Christian Living

Crossbearing is Foundational to Our Christian Walk

…Certainly there are few subjects more challenging and more avoided than crossbearing. Yet crossbearing is foundational to our Christian walk. Without bearing your crosses after Christ, you cannot be a Christian. Jesus said plainly in Luke 14:27, “Whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my...
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Christian Living

The Transition to Work

We all agree that children play. We all agree that adults work. So, how do we get from one to the other? It’s a process. Through their growing up years, children start out with mostly play. As the years go by, the playtime decreases, and the work time increases, until...
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Christian Living

The “greatest sinner on the face of the earth”

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Christian Living


To those who come to the Lord’s Table, sorrowing for the sins that nailed Christ to the cross, hating those sins but trusting that His death has atoned for them all, and resolving to walk in thankful obedience and in love to God and their neighbors, the Lord’s Supper holds...
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Christian Living

“Come, Lord Jesus” with John Piper

Here is an interview that I had with Dr. John Piper, two days ago on his moving and humbling new book on loving Christ’s appearing. I pray that this book, by the grace of the Holy Spirit, would stir all of us to live more in the light of the...
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Christian Living

Family Worship

I believe one major reason for this failure is the lack of stress upon family worship. In many churches and homes family worship is an optional thing, or at most a superficial exercise such as a brief table grace before meals. Consequently, many children grow up with no experience or...
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