William Perkins: Steps of Salvation
Perkins asserted both the absolute predestination of men to salvation or damnation, and the utter deadness and inability of sinners to do anything of spiritual value until God regenerates them.
Jesus’ Crown of Thorns
A symbol of His prophesied suffering; A symbol of his priestly substitution; A symbol of His kingly love.
Enjoying Friendship with God
Your business as a pastor is first and foremost to spend time with the Lord.
Beeke’s BOTM June 2024—Reformed Systematic Theology, Volumes 1-4
Theology is not just an academic subject—it is also a spiritual practice.
Melchizedek and Abraham
Who is Melchizedek? And what can this mysterious Old Testament figure teach us about Christ today?
The Blessedness of Christian Law-Keeping
Your new obedience in Christ is your daily pursuit out of gratitude to Him for your great salvation.
Jesus’ Tears
At Bethany; Over Jerusalem; In Gethsemane.
Calvin the Socio-Theologian
Calvin discussed many aspects of man’s life in society and in the world as a necessary corollary to his exposition of man’s relationship to God and the way of salvation through Christ.
Homosexuality and Salvation in Christ
Paul did not write Romans 1 in order to proudly judge homosexuality, or to cast those practicing it or struggling against it into despair, but as part of a larger diagnosis of mankind’s need for the gospel of Jesus Christ