Benefits Of Ecclesiology: Avoiding Proud Individualism and Authoritarianism
Ecclesiology reminds us that we need other believers. It opposes themindset of radical individualism, independence, and autonomy.
Apostolic Foundations
The first century of church history divides roughly into three periods.
Receiving the Preached Word
When the heavenly Physician gives you divine directions for your soul, should you not listen every bit as carefully so that you can follow God’s instructions for your life?
Benefits Of Ecclesiology: Employing God’s Method of Evangelism
The study of ecclesiology is part of the missionary effort of the church, especially when we study the doctrine to do God’s will.
Conflict Resolution
Dr. Joel Beeke unpacks biblical principles for conflict resolution in the first part of his sermon on Genesis 13:5-13.
Beeke’s BOTM May 2024
By God’s grace, with the Puritans as mentors, combined with holy resolve, perhaps we can recover the biblical practice of meditation for our time.
Benefits of Ecclesiology: Following God’s Revelation instead of Human Ideas
Ecclesiology drawn from the Holy Scriptures is God’s blueprint for building his temple on earth and his operator’s manual for identifying and properly using the tools we need to construct it.
The Names of the Spirit
Here we want to give attention to three designations for this divine person, two used primarily in the Old Testament and the other almost entirely in the New Testament.
Why Study Anthropology?
Anthropology benefits all Christians in ministry. The Word of God reveals much about human nature that guides us in how to relate to other people.