ISAIAH 45:22a
If you were dying from a deadly disease, you would quickly go to the doctor for help. You would listen very carefully to what he told you to do, and then you would faithfully do all that he said. You would do anything if it would only help you to fight the disease.
But now, children, did you realize that you, by nature, are dying from a deadly disease? Each and every one of us is. This disease is called sin, and it has been passed on to us by our parents, Adam and Eve. When they ate the forbidden fruit, they sinned against God. God had said to Adam, “Thou shalt not eat of it; for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die” (Genesis 2:17b). Their souls turned from God to sin, their bodies would now die and return to the dust from which God made them, and their souls would perish forever in hell if they did not repent and did not believe in God’s way of salvation.
We are no different from Adam and Eve. We eat the forbidden fruit every day, every time we choose to do evil rather than good. We, too, are sinning. This also means that our body will die. Our poor soul will also die forever in hell if we continue in sin and do not repent. We need to have faith in Jesus Christ.
But our text is a beautiful one with hope. “Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else.” “Look” means to trust, or to believe in God alone. Just as the Israelites who were bitten by snakes in the wilderness were healed when they looked to a brazen serpent that Moses set up on a pole, so poor sinners like us who look to, or trust in, Jesus on Calvary’s cross, shall be healed and saved from the deadly disease of sin. If we, by grace, look to Jesus Christ, God will forgive our sins, through His dear Son Jesus Christ, so we can live forever in heaven with God.
We need the Holy Spirit to make us understand that we are dying from the deadly disease of sin. We must ask for true repentance (sorrow about our sins), and then we will cry out, “Oh God, I look to Thee; Jesus, save me, there is no God like Thee to help and save me.”
Excerpt from
God’s Alphabet for Life: Devotions for Young Children
by Joel R. Beeke and Heidi Boorsma