A man walking in a park noticed a boy reading a book. “What are you reading?” asked the gentleman.
“A New Testament, sir,” answered the boy with a smile. “I got it for my birthday.”
“Do you believe that there is a God?”
“Yes,” replied the boy with surprise. “I know there is a God.”
The man wanted to make fun of the boy and asked, “Is your God little or great?”
After thinking for a moment, the boy said, “He is both.”
“And how can that be?” laughed the man.
“Well,” explained the boy, “God is so little that He can come and live in my wicked heart, yet He is so great that the whole world cannot hold Him.”
What a wise answer for a mocking man! The boy was not ashamed to say that he believed in God. If you believe in God, then you will obey His commands and repent from your sins. Do not delay. Go immediately to the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation.
Question: What would you answer if someone asked you if you believe in God? How could you prove your answer?
Scripture reading: 1 Kings 8:22-30
Excerpt from
How God Used A SNOWDRIFT: And Other Devotional Stories
By Joel R. Beeke & Diana Kleyn