Pillar Journal

A True Minister

Are you interested in God’s message that your minister brings to you?

Reverend Hans Egede felt that God had called him to preach His Word to the heathen Eskimos who lived in Greenland. This was not possible for some years, but finally, God opened a way. Reverend Egede arrived with a Danish trading company in 1721.

At that time, the Eskimos in Greenland had never heard about the true God or His Word. They were a very fierce people. If a ship was blown to their shore in a storm, they often killed the people and took all the goods on the ship. A human life was not worth much to them.

This was where Reverend Egede landed. He first built a little hut of dirt, stones, and boards for his family in this very cold country. He then tried to learn the Eskimo language. He visited the people in their igloos, which were heated by burning whale oil. The smell was almost unbearable for Reverend Egede, but he continued. He tried to speak to them about God, sin, and salvation in Jesus Christ, but the people only laughed at him.

The trading company decided that they could not work with these people. They told Reverend Egede to pack his things because they were leaving. He had worked there for two years, but no one had listened to him. But he could not leave so he stayed behind with his family.

More years went by and still there was no change. Then a plague of smallpox broke out. Several Eskimos died from this serious disease. Smallpox is so contagious that no one dared to enter an igloo where someone had the disease. However, Reverend Egede visited and tried to help each sick person. This made a deep impression upon the Eskimos. They saw that it must be an important message which he was bringing. He must be a wonderful man to risk his life in this way. After the plague a few Eskimos came to hear him. Then more and more came. God blessed his preaching and people came to know the Lord Jesus as their Savior. Can you imagine Reverend Egede’s joy after working there for so many years? He stayed with the Eskimos for fifteen years and saw a complete change in many people.

Question: This story shows the love and strong desire, found in a true minister’s heart, to bring God’s Word. Are you interested in God’s message that your minister brings to you?

Scripture Reading: 1Corinthians 9:16-23.

Excerpt from
How God Stopped the Pirates, and Other Devotional Stories
By Joel R. Beeke & Diana Kleyn