Ten years ago, I promised the Puritan Reformed Seminary Board of Trustees that I would, God willing and health permitting, be willing to serve as president of Puritan Reformed until the age of seventy. Having reached that age last year, the Board has decided to present to the Heritage Reformed Synod in June of this year the recommendation that, effective August 1, 2023, Dr. Adriaan Neele (center of photo) would serve as president of Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary; Dr. Jerry Bilkes (right on photo), as vice-president, and myself, as chancellor. All three of us have accepted these positions, and they are fully effective today!
In the attached article, I write about Dr. Neele’s impressive resume and giftedness to assume the presidency. I am so grateful that he possesses a strong conviction to continue to build on the biblical, Reformed, confessional, experiential, and practical training model that this seminary and its Board hold dear. I look forward to seeing how the Lord will use him to lead Puritan Reformed into increasingly becoming a global seminary for a global church without tolerating any mission drift. Join me, please, in praying for him and sending him a note of encouragement at adriaan.neele@prts.edu as he assumes this new and important role.
The attached article also contains more detail about Dr. Jerry Bilkes, who assumed the vice presidency today. He has been with me the longest at Puritan Reformed—nearly 25 years in peace and unity, and I have no doubt he is superlatively qualified for this position and will do well as vice president of this institution.
As for me, I will work closely with Dr. Neele and continue most of my present tasks, including teaching full-time, fund-raising, writing, preaching, and speaking at conferences, etc.
For more details, SEE HERE.