I am pleased and humbled to announce that a German publishing company, 3L (which stands for Lesen. Lernern. Leben. or “Read. Learn. Live.” in English), has decided to translate and publish articles from those who run my blog (JoelBeeke.org) into German every week. If you would like to read these articles, you can find them here.
I am quite moved by having more material in German. It is so close to my Dutch roots, for one thing. For another, I had four years of German in high school, and have long felt and prayed for the revival of the Reformed faith in Germany, which, although small, appears to be making some progress.
More good news: I hope to work with Reformation Heritage Books as we plan to host two major conferences in Germany in the coming years, including another Puritan conference similar to the one we partnered with Grace Community Church to host in Los Angeles last year. Please stay tuned for news about these events in the coming months.
May God graciously use this German blog site for the good of many.