Young children,
Do you know that you own something that is priceless? This treasure that you own is worth more than all of the clothes, food, and toys that you have. It is more valuable than the home where you live. In fact, it is worth more than the whole world! The priceless thing that you own is your soul — the spiritual part of you that you cannot see. You can see your body and touch your skin. But there is a part of you that you cannot see. This part of you is called your soul. When your body dies, your soul continues to live forever. Because your soul lives forever, it is very important.
Because our souls are so important, God says, “Keep thy soul diligently” (Deuteronomy 4:9). God then tells us that the way to be diligent in taking care of our souls is to remember the things that God has taught us. And this is why Psalm 119:11 says, “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.”
It is very important for us to know that the main way to take care of our souls is to believe and treasure what God has to say to us in the Bible.
Excerpt From
God’s Alphabet for Life
Joel R. Beeke